remedial massage therapy for the body, mind, and soul

As a therapist, I utilise a wide variety of remedial massage techniques - including myfascial release, deep tissue, trigger point, combined with craniosacral therapy and energy work to cultivate an unwinding experience spanning layers of the body, mind and soul.

“Corina’s sessions can bring an intense clarity to the mind, release of the body, and opening of the heart.

She is able to read the lines of fascia and waves of energy throughout the body for a very unique and profound treatment.

Corina is a true mind/body practitioner, utilising extensive knowledge and profound attunement to create a space for the body to heal.”

- The Medicinal Collective, Bondi Junction



The ultimate treatment and most favoured by my long term clients. You will experience the combined benefits of Remedial techniques, Myofascial Release and CranioSacral therapy to deeply unwind and release tightness and pain. This massage treats the body as a whole and the experience will leave you feeling energetically and emotionally balanced, and physically renewed.


Remedial massage is a hands on therapy which aims to treat musculoskeletal dysfunctions. This is done by releasing deeply held tension in the soft tissue of the body. This style of massage is effective in reducing pain and easing tightness in the body. Remedial therapy can be used to improve your posture, increase flexibility and joint mobility, also to increase blood and lymph flow to accelerate the body’s natural healing process. A standard practice in the prevention and management of injuries, Remedial Massage is also recommended to anyone seeking relief from stress.


The fascial system is a tridimensional web of connective tissue which surrounds and connects every muscle, nerve, bone, blood vessel, organ and cell in the body. Fascia is prone to harden and tighten and this causes strain patterns to form in the body, usually a result of injury, poor posture, surgery, emotional trauma, stress, inactivity…  Myofascial Release techniques not only release this tension, improve mobility, posture, and pain in these areas - but it can trigger changes in the nervous system, inducing a more peaceful and balanced mind.

Conditions that can benefit from this style of massage therapy include headaches, lower back pain, pains in the hips or knees, pain and tension in the neck or shoulders, whiplash, Temporo Mandibular joint dysfunction, emotionally held tension, stress, and anxiety.


CranioSacral Therapy is a deeply relaxing, gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of the physiological body system called the craniosacral system - comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Using a soft touch generally no greater than 5 grams, practitioners release restrictions in the craniosacral system, which has been shown to improve the functioning of the central nervous system, as well as many other systems of the body, such as digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, and more. 

CST has also been shown to help with the physical components related to such somatic conditions as Post Traumatic Stress, depression and anxiety. 

- Upledger Institute


Experience a full body oil massage treatment. Relaxation by Marga uses just the right pressure and flowing moves to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and bring a sense of deep relaxation. Take this opportunity to connect deeper to one’s body and relieve the stress of modern life. This massage style improves overall circulation, can reduce anxiety and depression, while increasing a personal sense of wellbeing.


A safe and gentle massage for expecting mothers. Pregnancy massage techniques aim to relieve the aches and pains that can sometimes arise with the changes the body experiences during pregnancy. Increase blood flow, decrease swelling, and improve your overall mood and wellbeing with this massage.

Corina has a skill set that blends the science and bio mechanical/medical aspects of her work with an unparalleled ability to connect with the energy of the soul. She has the hands and techniques of a master practitioner and the reverence of an alchemist. I have trained for 30 years, looking after my body and my mind is paramount in my life. As an exercise physiologist, as an academic and as an open heart and mind, I say unequivocally that I trust no one with my treatments as I trust her. She is a healer, a teacher and a blessing. I could not recommend her more. She is magic.